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Sellers' Corner

Joel will help you get your home ready to list, so you can get top dollar!  Here are some tips:

  • De-clutter

    • Take this opportunity to do some Spring cleaning - even if it isn't Spring!​

    • Remember, you own your property.  Your property doesn't own you!​​ 

    • Go through EVERYTHING you own...and put items into one of three categories:

      • KEEP IT...if you use it or if it has significant sentimental value​

        • Organize anything you intend to keep...moving day will come sooner than you think!​

      • DONATE IT...if it's in good condition, but you don't use it (and it's a tax deduction!)

      • TOSS IT...If it's old, broken, and unused

  • Clean 

    • Neat, clean, and orderly properties sell, so get scrubbing and dusting!​​

  • Routine Maintenance

    • Has that light bulb in the closet been out for years?  Change it out for one that works. 

      • People take note of deferred maintenance and will assume if you aren't keeping up with the little things, then you aren't keeping up with the big things either.​​

  • Depersonalize

    • ​How you list a property is different from how you live in a property

      • Box up your family photos, personal collections, and nick-nacks​

      • You want buyers to imagine themselves living in your home, but that is hard to do when they are staring at photos of your kids or your thimble collection.

      • It's not personal.  It's business.  You want to market your property to appeal to the most buyers!

  • Finish it​​

    • Unfinished DIY projects?  Finish them up, if you can.  ​

      • Buyers willing to pay top dollar are looking for turn-key homes.  ​

Call Joel now 
& get started!

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